Celebrate Fishfinger Fire Day

Hello. As you will doubtless know next Thursday is a very important day in the Beckworth calendar. It is Fishfinger Fire Day, and to celebrate we are asking residents to wear the frozen foodstuff in their button holes, just as was done ritually until the 1930s. As noted in local history books it was around 300 years ago, in 1578, that Beckworth almost lost it’s centuries-old fishfinger industry to a fire that ravaged the town. Accidentally started by a baker making the bright orange breadcrumbs the ensuing blaze robbed locals of their staple fish diet for months to come. But it could have been wiped out altogether if it wasn’t for the actions of a young navy officer home on leave. Lieutenant BirdEye noticed smoke coming from the neighbouring bakery and quickly extinguished the fire within using a flask of rum he had about his person. In honour him of saving the last few fishfingers, and most importantly the recipe, he was made May Queen of the town, promoted to captain and has had his name and picture plastered over all subsequently made fish fingers. So join us next week and wear your cod stick with pride.
Thanks, Bill Christchurch. Beckworth Historical Society.


(Above) A 16th century portrait of the Fishfinger hero Captain Birdseye

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