Get Out & Vote…

But make sure your vote counts… If you can’t bear to vote for our beloved Richie Sunack and his Conservative cavaliers vote for Farage and his Refarm party, they look like a right laugh… But preferably, give the lovely Tories another 5 years… after all they’ve created more billionaires in times of austerity than any other government… (and hopefully we can Liz Truss back… her book is a great read)

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We’re Back…

Sorry for the silence but council funding cuts (and the heroes in the IT department going on strike for almost a year) we have not been able to replenish the content on this blog.

But thanks to us going busking we have enough to fund a few days, or weeks, of content…

So what’s been happening here in sunny Beckworth this past year and a bit?

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Royal Prince & Mrs Prince Search For Semi In The Local Area

HRH news just in… Prince Harold and his wife (who’s name escapes me) have been spotted looking in Beckworth estate agents windows searching for a 3 bed semi. The couple and their two children have been given a month’s notice to vacate their run-down drafty cottage by disgruntled landlord, King Charles (the monarch, not a spaniel)…  I’ll keep you posted, but hopefully we’ll have Royals living amongst us soon, Christine Batley. Deputy Chief disgraced Correspondent. Beckworth And Slocombe Herald Incorporating Nightly Gazette

Prince Harry V2


(Above) The prince trying to flog his memoir, which incorporates tips on looking “hard”
called Stare

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Visit Beckworth, Back Up & Running

Hello Beckworthians, i’m so pleased to announce that at last the councils costly IT department are back in place, and we can once again become bloggers. My first post, this one, is for condolences: for the loss of our dear Queen, who spent many a moment driving through Beckworth on her way to places of interest to her, and condolences to us all that the Tories in their “wisdom” voted in Liz Truss to be the tenth PM in just five years (I have it on good authority that Ms Truss is keen to build both a motorway and high speed rail track on our doorstep.) As a mark of respect to our late monarch Beckworths’ public toilets will be closed until after her funeral on Monday and, once the new signage has been painted, be renamed the QE 2 Loos in her honour. Also a book of condolence has been opened in the library next to a picture of the late Queen when she visited Beckworth in her silver Jubilee year (those of us old enough to remember will recall her car broke down in the town and she went into the pub to call, and wait for, the AA). God bless her late Majesty, and God Save The King.
His humble servant, Mayor Gary Grimsby

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We’re back… Almost

Hello all Beckworthians, it’s good to be (almost) back online…. We are close to raising enough funds to re-instate the councils costly IT department, and we’ve also caved into their demands to continue to working from home, or the pub; such is progress. When the IT department is up and running we can resume uploading resident’s blog posts and missives… so watch this space. Mayor Gary Grimsby

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