Hello. And apologies for the lateness of my post, blame it on post-vaccine memory loss which meant I forgot what day, or week, it was. I have been feeling two cod-sticks short of a sandwich but its worth it! Anyway, as you will doubtless know Thursday just gone was a very important day in the Beckworth calendar, Fishfinger Fire Day.
Had I remembered I would have asked all to once again resurrect a celebration whereby all residents wear the frozen foodstuff in their button holes, just as was done ritually until the 1930s. As taught nationally it was around 350 years ago, in 1578, that Beckworth almost lost it’s centuries-old fishfinger industry in a fire that ravaged the town. Carelessly started by a baker making the signature fluorescent orange breadcrumbs the ensuing blaze robbed locals of their favourite fish diet for months to come. This, the town’s primary industry, could have died out altogether if it wasn’t for the actions of a young navy officer home on leave. Lieutenant Len BirdsEye noticed smoke coming from the drunk bakers shop and quickly extinguished the fire within using his naval ration flask of rum he kept in a hip flask. In honour him of saving the last few fishfingers and the secret recipe, he was briefly made Mayor of the town, promoted to captain and had his name and picture added to all Beckworth’s future made fish fingers.
Thanks, Bill Christchurch. Beckworth Historical Society.