Cooper-Clarke Gig Postponed

It is with sadness that I have to report that this Saturdays John Cooper-Clarke gig at The Macadamia Hall has been postponed for a week whilst the venue’s toilets are unblocked and replumbed. Tickets will be valid for the new date, 4th May.

Thankfully Monday’s bingo and Wednesday’s Zumba classes will be uneffected as a portaloo is being borrowed from the council’s Road’s Dept for those afternoons.

Yours Terence Eccles. General Manager, The Macadamia Hall


(Above) John Cooper-Clarke is told why his gig has been postponed

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2 thoughts on “Cooper-Clarke Gig Postponed

  1. How can I express the outrage that I feel at such a significant musical / being cancelled due to the lack of toilets. Why when the council has been spending thousands of pounds of the publics money on ‘pop up’ toilets did they not think to include any in The Macadamia Hall?

    If there is anywhere in Beckworth that would benefited from a pop up toilet it’s the hall. Many’s the time I have witnessed members of the Rotary Club relieving themselves against the millennium Oak outside the hall.

    Now my evening pleasure is to be delayed because the plumbing is ‘backed up’ again. Perhaps the council should consider not hiring the hall out to the ‘German sausage appreciation club’! That might help alleviate the strain on the Halls’ antiquated plumbing.

    - Bunkers Shuck, Artist.

    • I totally agree about Council wastage, and am very sorry you have been negatively affected, but also have to point out that the Sausage club far from being problematic is actually a bigs hit with the paying public. Ultimately it is the German’s who are funding our toilet improvements through the medium of bratwerst

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