Good afternoon residents of Beckworth. I am sorry to be the bringer of not-niceness but, once again, summer brings forth murmers of anarchy and uneducated discontent. The anarchy to which I refer is the actions of the council’s very lazy labour-voting commy IT department, because once again it is due to have it’s annual strike, so the blog you’re reading may shut down for a while. The strike has been (allegedly) agreed with management and will start this Thursday morning. The husband and wife techy team are unreasonably demanding the right to work from home on all week, never work any overtime, or answer calls or emails if Game Of Thrones is on telly. Or catch up. Now we are a reasonable employer but this demand is really taking the michael, as these IT b*****ds have recently filled their home office with Game Of Thrones memorabilia hoping to open it as a museum… Although I do believe they are aiming to strike next year to have an office/shed built in their garden, fully furnished and paid by the council. The IT scum now “work” most mornings from their kitchen table before spending afternoons in The Bear & Pumpkin pub, so really are overpaid and work-shy. We’re hoping to go to arbitration as soon as possible, but personally I just want to sack the miserable lefty tossers. Sorry in advance for any hasslement caused. Thanking you most warmly. Aashif Ackworth. New Mayor
Monthly Archives: August 2017
New Season Kicks Off Today
Hello to all our loyal supporters. Just a reminder that both our local footballl teams (the men’s Beckworth And Slocombe Academicals and the women’s Beckworth And Slocombe Laxadasicals) will be in “action” today. Both teams are playing at home in their first new season matches in the Ronseal “Does exactly what it says on the tin” League and in preparation the pitch has been completely leveled and astroturfed. Good luck to both teams, let’s hope this season see’s a performance improvement for the men’s team, for the last 15 or so seasons they’ve had a 100% match defeat record. Once again we have promising under 11′s ,LGBT and women’s teams to pin our cup hopes on as the men’s is so useless. Good luck to all players. Thanking you most warmly. Aashif Ackworth. Mayor (and referee)
Local Athlete Misses Out On Medal
Sad news just in… Whilst all eyes were on Usain Bolt receiving a bronze medal at last night’s World Athletic Championships in London town local interest was firmly on the performance of Beckworth resident Bethany Folkestone. After a two week ban for taking paracetemol before a race Ms Folkestone was back in action and was in top form… After a nail-biting photo-finish in the speed skipping it was announced that nine year old Bethany came last. She is said to be very upset as she suspects that a competitor had deliberately knotted her skipping rope, but like a fairy Godfather Lord Seb Coe stepped in after the race and sold her a packet of travel tissues. Let’s hope Bethany fares better in the egg and spoon race later today… Christine Batley. Chief Rope Sports Reporter. Beckworth And Slocombe Herald Incorporating Nightly Gazette