Hello fellow dog lovers. We’ve an exciting weekend ahead as the highlight of the canine calender, Crufts, is once again upon us. And this year Beckworth stands a good chance of winning Biggest In Class, if not the overall Best In Show rosettes. Local dog breeder, and ex-New Kid On The Block, Donnie Wahlberg will be showing David, his Shih Tweiler (a Shih Tsu and a Rottweiler cross breed). David is purportedly the biggest dog ever bred and already dwarfs his owner despite still being a puppy. Cruft’s organisers are hopeful David won’t grow any bigger in coming days as his head almost reaches the arena roof already and a growth spurt would make it impossible to accommodate him within the NEC at Birmingham. Good luck to Donnie and David this weekend, let’s hope they get in the arena and win lots of prizes. Lena “Yorkie” Dartford. Beckworth Kennel Club
(Above) Camera shy locals Donnie and David prepare to wow the crowds at Crufts