Solitary Confinement Displeasure

Hello. I hope you’re all staying safe and have listened to our recent online radio shows, one was presented by Len as i’ve been in solitary confinement…  You can listen to all the previous shows, anytime at your leisure, on just search for Inmate B42359, and why not follow us daily on Twitter @B42359. If you have listened below is this week (and last weeks)’ playlist.

Due to demand the show is now broadcast “live” three times a week on www.madwaspradio.com7pm Fridays10am Saturdays and 5pm Tuesdays (GMT) and you can also. Please don’t forget to email Len and I at

01 Craziest Things Babeheaven

02 Citizen X Peel

03 Rock Is My Rock Partner

04 The Other Lover Little Dragon & Moses Sumney

05 Cold Early Morning The Eighteenth Day Of May

06 I’ll Feel A Whole Lot Better The Byrds

07 He Holds Her, He Needs Her Kitchens Of Distinction

08 Talks PVA

09 Bones Of Abandoned Futures Johanna Warren

10 Another Green World Brian Eno

11 I Talk To The Wind King Crimson

12 Love Like Blood Killing Joke

13 Bullfrog Choirs Told Slant

14 Moving Men Myd

16 Moses Liz Fraser


01 Jailhouse Rock Elvis Presley

02 Over Under Sideways Down The Yardbirds

03 Wide Open Road The Triffids

04 Lunar Addiction Hollie Cook

05 Give Me Just A Little More Time Chairmen Of The Board

06 The Man With The Child In His Eyes Kate Bush

07 What’Cha Gonna Do About It Small Faces

08 Que Te Parece Cholita Charlie Musselwhite

09 2-4-6-8 Motorway Tom Robinson Band

10 Couldn’t Cause Me Harm Beth Orton

11 Waking Up Elastica

12 What A Waste! Ian Dury & The Blockheads

13 Sweet Home Alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd

14 Rudy, A Message To You Dandy Livingstone

16 At Last I Am Free Liz Fraser

Record Player Coloured Vinyl V6

A Sad End To A Priceless Artistic Masterpiece Worth Millions

Breaking street art news just in… It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that our very own genuine Banksy masterpiece, nicknamed “snowsy” is no more… Likely to be worth more than it’s weight in gold the beautiful snow sculpture was gifted to the town this week by the mysterious artist. Pompous art critics across the globe hailed it as a celebration of the vaccine programme. Probably. But now it’s gone. A victim of vandalism, or perhaps global warming as the snow is melting fast. Your very own newspaper had tried to start a campaign to save the priceless work of art but we got very little in the way of donations. Now all the lockdown weary World has our memories, a half eaten carrot and in my case damp shoes from tramping across town to keep taking bloody photos.

Christine Batley. Deputy Chief Street Art Correspondent. Beckworth And Slocombe Herald Incorporating Nightly Gazette


Campaign Launched To Save Our Fragile “Banksy”

Further street art news just in… Due to my reporting and hence the global interest in our very own Banksy snow sculpture, nicknamed by moi as “Snowsy”, your local paper has decided it needs saving for the nation. We are starting a fund to buy a freezer to put it in so we can save it for all those who believe that art lifts spirits during lockdown (yeah, right!) and then sell it for millions of pounds. It needs saving quick as it’s already only half the sculpture it was due to being left out on the street… To be honest it looks a bit crap now but then I wasn’t a big fan of it anyhow until I found out it was worth shedloads!

Why not donate a few hundred pounds to keep this art in the UK (or at least until we can auction it off)… Think of it is an icy ISA, an ethical investment… And if you have a big freezer why not donate that as well?

Christine Batley. Deputy Chief Street Art Correspondent. Beckworth And Slocombe Herald Incorporating Nightly Gazette


This Year’s Burn’s Night Displeasure Playlist

Hello. I hope you’re all staying safe and have listened to this week’s Scottish themed online radio show, the perfect soundtrack to celebrating Burns Night all week…  You can listen to all the previous shows, anytime at your leisure, on just search for Inmate B42359, and why not follow us daily on Twitter @B42359. If you have listened below is this week’s playlist.

Due to demand the show is now broadcast “live” three times a week on www.madwaspradio.com7pm Fridays10am Saturdays and 5pm Tuesdays (GMT) and you can also. Please don’t forget to email Len and I at

01 Sunshine Superman Donovan

02 Stuck In The Middle With You Stealers Wheel

03 Pale Blue Eyes Paul Quinn & Edwyn Collins

04 I Walk The Earth King Biscuit Hour

05 Bicarbonate of Chicken Ivor Cutler

06 Candyskin Fire Engines

07 Milk Garbage

08 Pillar To Post Aztec Camera

09 The Honeythief Hipsway

10 Willow’s Song Isobel Campbell

11 Letter from America The Proclaimers

12 Everybody Come Down Delgados

13 April Skies Jesus & Marychain

14 This Love Craig Armstrong Ft Liz Fraser

Record Player Coloured Vinyl  V4

Banksy Sculpture Appears Overnight

Street art news just in… The snow has been bringing joy to the whole town these past couple of days, lifting our lockdown weary spirits and making us remember life’s simpler pleasures of yesteryear (snowball fights outside the pub, drinking snowballs inside the pub, smoking, etc). Then, a bit like a very late Christmas present unknown street artist Banksy has gifted to Beckworth a beautiful life-size snow sculpture of the goddess Neptune (or so i’m told). It did have a carrot nose but that has fallen off… I’ve seen the sculpture for myself (someone has to take the ruddy photos since we sacked the paper’s snapper for misconduct), it’s ok if you like that sort of thing (I don’t). Some so-called art critics have called it a masterpiece and named it “My Snowman Has No Nose (How Does He Smell?)” but i prefer “Snowsy”. Even the town’s mayor has described it as an asset and hope’s that once lockdown is lifted later in the year tourists will flock to see it… More fool them. Anyway i’ll keep you posted in case any celebs like Rita Ora break lockdown to get a selfie next to it. Christine Batley. Deputy Chief Street Art Correspondent. Beckworth And Slocombe Herald Incorporating Nightly Gazette
