NHS App news just in… Just as we were all enjoying the relaxation of all draconian Covid rules, no more mask, no social distancing, drinking in pubs and hugging each other with gay abandon whilst we enjoy the long delayed hot weather, we hear that the grossly expensive and hardly worth the bother NHS Track & Trace app is causing mayhem. It is causing far too many double-dosed people to self-isolate rather than, as our brave Prime Minister wanted to do, ignore it and carry bravely on. Our local shops have empty shelves (out local off licence has run out of wine and champers), the pub has too few bar staff and even the funeral directors are post-poning funerals due to a lack of staff to carry coffins. This madness has to stop, let herd immunity rule, and we can get back to normal, apart from the odd sniffle… Yes there are those who are vulnerable, but as Boris has pointed out, they can still wear masks, avoid going on buses (walking would be good for them) and go to the supermarkets when the rest of us are at home… Midnight would seem sensible, if the shops are open… I’ll keep you posted when the off licence has good vino back in, Christine Batley. Deputy Chief NHS App Correspondent. Beckworth And Slocombe Herald Incorporating Nightly Gazette
Crap App Causes Mayhem & Empty Shelves