The Votes Are Finally Counted

Hello, Beckworth has entered the record books for the most voting recounts in a General Election. We recounted 136 times and sadly still we got a Labour majority. We, locals with  sense and SUVs, had hoped that if our beloved Tory Mp wasn’t back voted in we’d at least get Farage’s lot… But no we’ve got a looney left MP… So there goes the neighbourhood

Get Out & Vote…

But make sure your vote counts… If you can’t bear to vote for our beloved Richie Sunack and his Conservative cavaliers vote for Farage and his Refarm party, they look like a right laugh… But preferably, give the lovely Tories another 5 years… after all they’ve created more billionaires in times of austerity than any other government… (and hopefully we can Liz Truss back… her book is a great read)