This Week Teach An Old Dog New Tricks


Hello. Just a reminder that starting tomorrow it’s National Take A Dog To Work, Or School, Week. And as the name helpfully implies it’s a time to introduce our canine friends to the world of jobs, or full-time education. And fear not if you’re not in education, or are workshy, the unemployed can take dogs (and bitches if we’re being PC) to sign on or to accompany them to the off license and betting shop. And let’s not forget our retired friends, they can take a dog/bitch along to visit a loved-one’s grave or to buy the Daily Mail. Confusingly, dogs remain banned from hospitals but nurses could try sneaking them in to hide under the beds and cheer up the patients.

“But I haven’t got a dog to offer work-experience to” I hear the non-dog owners amongst you cry! Fear not, why not borrow one? The local dog’s home are running a Dog-Intern Scheme, whereby they lend you a pooch for the week and on Friday just return it no questions asked.
And great news; local employers offering internships to those that bark have also agreed to supply complimentary dog bowls and mid-morning bones. So what are you waiting for, now man’s best friend can also be a bitch at work. Ruth Freshford. Manager. JobCentrePlus