Good News And Bad News

Being an equal opportunities police force, we aim to bring you good and bad crime reports in equal measures. So, today we have good news; a ukulele has been handed in at the police station. It was found abandoned near St Faiths church, so perhaps belongs to someone in the choir? They must have noticed it’s gone as it’s rather large. I’ll put it with the other brass instruments we’ve got in lost property until the rightful owner shows up, or the clumsy thief hands themself in. The bad news is that no one has seen the stolen tank yet. If you do find a tank in your garden, or are part of the musical instrument robbery gang, please ring 999 and ask for PC R Cowgrove at Beckworth Police station. I’m hoping that both cases will net a tidy sum, in cash, as a reward. PC R Cowgrove

PS I’ve just been told it’s actually called a euphonium, this is what it looks like



Torquil Getting Pushed Around


Just found this old photo of my Great Grandfather Torquil and his chums playing wheelchair polo. I believe none of them needed “wheels” but they were employed because all the horses had gone off to fight in World War One and the boys didn’t fancy playing the game on foot. They were very resourceful lads and got servants to push them around during matches, which I hear made them pretty formidable. They soon became quite notorious in the county, especially for their drunken apres polo wheelchair races. But then peacetime returned and the good times evaporated as wheelchair polo was banned for the ablebodied. But maybe the time is right to bring it back? Percival DeBeckworth-Hereford

Missing: A Tank


Please be on the lookout for a missing tank. The army think it was stolen from the playing fields sometime betweem midday Saturday and 11am this morning, when they noticed it had gone. It may be hard to spot as it is painted in a camouflage pattern, but please be vigilant. It’s probably just kid’s messing around so don’t be too worried (and it’s only loaded with blanks). If you do track it down please ring 999 and ask for PC R Cowgrove at Beckworth Police station, maybe the army will offer a cash reward for spotting it which we could divvy up? PC R Cowgrove

Four Dead In Lama Drama

Hello. I just thought I’d keep everyone informed of the latest harrowing events with regard to the sighting of Fern Britton‘s ne’re-do-well lamas up on Archer’s Hill. I’ve just come off the phone from talking to Doris Palmer (Fern’s in-house lama seeker) who, along with hunky hero Ross Kemp and his bald brother Phil Mitchell, went to the hills with a troupe of vigilantes to catch the estranged lamas. She told me, in graphic detail, that in a combined act of daring-do our three plucky heroes managed to humanely kill the unarmed animals. And she assures me it was only when identifying the two lamas that they realised there were in fact four of them, and that they were goats. As Doris said, in the heat of the moment tragedies such as friendly-fire can occur, and that her thoughts go out to the goats owners who have yet to be informed. Also, she explained that when shooting assault weapons from a safe distance, and from behind thick bushes, young lamas and goats are quite easily mistaken. Anyway, on a brighter note, Mrs Palmer has asked if anyone has a recipe for curried goat? I’ll let you know when I know more about the lamas (and please don’t worry Mrs Britton about the dead goats, or live lamas, as she is hosting a champagne and croquet garden party this afternoon). Christine. Chief Crime Reporter at The Beckworth Guardian and neighbourhood watch coordinator


This Week Teach An Old Dog New Tricks


Hello. Just a reminder that starting tomorrow it’s National Take A Dog To Work, Or School, Week. And as the name helpfully implies it’s a time to introduce our canine friends to the world of jobs, or full-time education. And fear not if you’re not in education, or are workshy, the unemployed can take dogs (and bitches if we’re being PC) to sign on or to accompany them to the off license and betting shop. And let’s not forget our retired friends, they can take a dog/bitch along to visit a loved-one’s grave or to buy the Daily Mail. Confusingly, dogs remain banned from hospitals but nurses could try sneaking them in to hide under the beds and cheer up the patients.

“But I haven’t got a dog to offer work-experience to” I hear the non-dog owners amongst you cry! Fear not, why not borrow one? The local dog’s home are running a Dog-Intern Scheme, whereby they lend you a pooch for the week and on Friday just return it no questions asked.
And great news; local employers offering internships to those that bark have also agreed to supply complimentary dog bowls and mid-morning bones. So what are you waiting for, now man’s best friend can also be a bitch at work. Ruth Freshford. Manager. JobCentrePlus

The Hills Are Alive With Lama Drama

Hello. We’ve just had our first unconfirmed sighting in days of Fern Britton‘s prison-break lamas. They have been spotted dug-in and taking stock up on Archer’s Hill. As I write a crack team of Lama hunters, including Doris Palmer (Fern’s in-house lama ranger), heroic have-a-go hero Ross Kemp, along with his have-a-go hero brother off TV, Phil Mitchell, are cycling to the hills to “engage with the enemy,” a heroic Ross told me over the phone. He also texted this photograph just before they went lama spotting, which was very kind.


I tried contacting Mrs Britton to keep her informed but just got her answer machine. Still it was only 10.30am and she’ll need her beauty sleep after her very loud Eurovision party kept the whole town awake last night. Anyway, with any luck this desperate situation will be over by the time I settle down to watch Country File tonight. Christine. Chief Crime Reporter at The Beckworth Guardian and neighbourhood watch coordinator

Beckworth Eurovision Star Spot: Graham Norton

Goodness, this is my second star spot this week, i must be psychic (But of course I am!!!!). Late last night I saw TV’s gay icon, Eurovision hopeful, and local celeb, Graham Norton, rushing out of Tesburys supermarket. I couldn’t see what he’d bought as he was carrying a bag, but it’s bound to be crisps, vodka and Fanta to keep him going before he sings on tonight’s Eurovision Song Contest. Good luck Graham, we’re all rooting for you (Has anyone actually heard this years entry? I hear it’s been banned from the radio!). Ronnie


Savings Galore When You Walk Through The 99p Door

Yes, it’s carzy prices weekend down at 99p Land this weekend (Saturday only), coinciding with the cementery open day. So on your way to see a grave why not pop-in to 99p Land. Get 10% off when you spend £100, or more, in 99p Land. That’s an amazing saving of about £9 or so. So come to the store for baragins galore. 10% discount is only available one per household and excludes cigarettes, children’s shoes, alcohol, chewing gum, AAA batteries, artificial flowers and ladies shaving cream. Bim Gujranwala. Manager. 99p Land

Save On A Grave

Hi all. Tomorrow, Saturday, Beckworth Cemetery flings open it’s imposing gates for our annual Cemetery Open Day. Guaranteed to be a fun day out for all the family, with much to enthrall and delight every generation, including our spot the dead celebrity grave competition with prizes for young and old (Star-prize 30% off a headstone). There’s a bouncy castle, Punch & Judy and the Follyfoot Farm Mobile Petting zoo (including rides on Scampi the donkey) for the kids, burial plots to try out for size for Grandma and Granddad and a cake stall and beer tent for mum and dad. Amazingly we’re offering 20% off all funerals bought tomorrow, so don’t be shy, look death in the eye and come on by. And best of all it’s free (apart from the cakes and alcohol)! See you there, Dave “David’ Monmouth, Cemetery Manager